Enjoy The Oldies

Mar 16, 2010

Geston is BACK !

Hey !

It's been a long time since I've written on my blog.
Well, the reason why I haven't been doing so is because I'm really lazy. xD
And nowadays everyone is on Facebook rather than blogging.
Okay. Hmm. Blog is just like a person's diary, the difference is that others can read them as well but diary is a very private item which others can't simply take and read.

So I've decided to blog again and start to tell my grandmother stories. ;D
I'm not a very creative guy so don't expect me to post things full of colours or images. My post might be dull at times so do be prepared ya.

Recently, I've just taken my SPM result which is a big disappointment for me.
Gotten only 1A+ / 5A / 4B+. Was disappointed with my sciences.
I was not worried about them after the SPM, I was worried about my BM, SJ & AM.
Well, this is all fate I guess. I see my life will continue by going Form6 instead of any colleges or getting any scholarship =(

FORM6, hmph. Okay.
Many people told me "Form6 is hard, think twice or thrice before you enter."
Well, there is no options for me to choose. I don't want to end up in Form6 either.
All I can say is that I will do my best in Form6 and won't repeat the mistake I have done during my SPM years.
I will work hard and pass my STPM with flying colours to enter my preferred university which is University of Malaya to further my studies in the medicine field.
So yea, wish me luck =)

A lot of things have happened recently, most of my friends have already further their studies in different places such as INTI, UTP, Taylors, Sunway, TAR and so on.
Some just came back from National Service and some are going for National Service (2nd batch).
Good luck to them =) it's a very enjoyable camp if you don't mind getting yourself tanned.

I must say that I am partially enjoying my life after SPM because there were times I was bored to death =( Okay, cut the crap and let the photos do the talking =)
Pangkor Trip (This picture reminded me of Stephen doing something funny)
He looked out of the window and saw a small kid walking, then he waited till the small kid's mom walked past. After that, he looked at the kid and pointed out the middle finger HAHA!
We were like OMGWTFROFLLMAO and laughed like shit !
Pangkor Trip - We TRIED to act cute but obviously failed xD
Pangkor Trip - Group Photo =D
Pangkor Trip - This is the part you will get kicked for nothing when you fall xD
Pangkor Trip - On our way to snorkeling~
Genting Trip - 2 kiddo on a flying elephant =P
Genting Trip - Not much photo taken but we enjoyed a lot ;D
Attended Mom's cousin wedding @ Prai =)
Pangkor Trip - Volleyball Session
Port Dickson Trip - Not as enjoyable as my Pangkor one though but still the views there are much better and the resort rooms aren't CHEAP !
KL Trip with Family =) Worst experience of ice skating, my sis fell down twice =P
Went back and attended my old club's function =)
As an immediate past president, I'm proud of them.
KL Trip with Max & Karchun. Phuah skipped his class in Sunway to join us. Bad boy xD
Lou Sang =)
All of us have the surname Yong ~
Max's Farewell Party before he left for Melb, Aus.
Bai Tin Gong @ Woei Hong's House =) (look like one family haha)
Xinh Guan's House Warming..
Attended LEOlympics' Bowling Competition.
The Omega Leos in Leo Conference Banquet Night
Leos of Ipoh Unity with Leo Ian from Philippines.

Well, actually there is a lot more of stuff I did but there are no photos =)
Having movies with friends, I watched 2 movies in a day for 3 days. xD
Snooker & Lucky games in Infinity. (I'm officially quitting snooker)
Yumcha & Lepak-ing
All these definitely will be a memory which will be kept in my heart for a lifetime.
Someone still owe me a MOVIE !

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