Enjoy The Oldies

Mar 20, 2010

Woke up at 8 in the morning
Feeling so darn sleepy
Cause I slept only 5 hours
Barely able to open my eyes
Lie on the bed for 5minutes
Got up and brush my teeth
Bathe and got a text message from Calvin Tan
"I just woke up, will be late"
Ahh, just nice cause I need more time as well
Online a bit, settle my hair
Pin up some badges to my leo vest
And I'm ready to go =)

21st Anniversary Leo Club of Sam Tet

A picture of my vest, all these badges are meaningful for me. Some may say "Chiu, all these badges use $$ can buy edi geh la.." Well, they're wrong. Especially the 2 oval shape badges written Outstanding President and Top President. These 2 badges are the proof that I have worked hard to achieve certain goals as a Leo during my alpha leo time as a President for Leo Club of SMI. For your info, there is only 2 badges for Top President 08/09 District 308 B2. The middle round metal badge is the collar tag for Leo Club of SMI but this badge is very limited and only a few of them are still seen in Michaelian's Vest. Their production wasn't continued due to certain problems which I am not able to voice it out here. The round cloth badge is the proof that I have passed all the test available in the Leo CLD Programme Part 1.

Okay, enough of grandfather stories.
The function organised by Leo Club of Sam Tet
Was indeed a magnificent function
Awesome performances
Splendid decorations
Creative souvenirs
Well done
P/S : Maybe you guys could improve more in food and beverage ;)
Here is the souvenirs given by them
After the function, drove to Parade together with Calvin Tan and Wu Jen. After parking my car, got a text from Calvin saying "Got some fetching to do, keep up with you later" and I replied him something that almost got himself into an accident xD. At the mean time, went to find Wu Jen and we went to join the Penang Leos for lunch at Kopitiam Junction. I just ordered Orange Juice cause have to accompany Calvin to eat later when he's back. He came back then we went to jalan-jalan around Parade and I was finding for a present to give a friend of mine. After that we went to have our Lunch/Tea @ Cafe de Coral. I would rather go to Miner's Arm next time. Cafe de Coral cost me RM13 while Miner's Arm only cost me RM9.90 and they have soup of the day and ice-cream. Add on, the western food in Cafe de Coral seriously sucks. We went back home after that cause we're just too bored.

Talking of Miner's Arm, I really miss the days where Bing Loon, Kar Chun, Ji Hoe, Boon Wai, Wei Yuen, Ban Siong and others were having our lunch at Miner's Arm after school. I really miss them. We all could really go crazy especially in the class *winks* only you guys know what I'm talking about.

When I'm back home, straight I landed on my bed to take a nap till dinner time. After dinner, washed my bathroom and toilet so Sister, when is your turn to do so? You've already read the post when you're going to take action huh? HAHA! Ate rojak but only got "har bang + rojak sauce" 5 pieces of them !! Real filled up my stomach and my dad told me, I was suppose to leave some for him xD Sorry Dad !
I respect your decision even though this isn't what I wanted.
Hope time will prove everything =)

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