Enjoy The Oldies

Nov 13, 2009

Damn SMI !

Seriously pissed off with my school teachers especially that Helmi. What kind of rules that says we have to slope the back of our head? As long as it doesn't touch the collar can edi la ! Bastard !

Hope I won't enter back SMI for F6. The worst school ever. It could have been a great school but the hair rules seriously suck to the MAX.

Today already last day of school for Form5 and they still wanna cut our hair. Those people with moderate hair length also kena. Example, Bing Loon. His head edi cukup short la. Still need him to cut. Damn dulan wei.
Emo-ing with my hair.

Honestly, damn down because of my hair. After 3 years, this is the first time my hair is so SHORT !

Drivers don't criticize on new drivers. If you're a new driver too, please STFU and don't comment on other people's driving. Today is the first time i drove at night and it's raining. Of course, i will face some problem. So what if i bribed? If i suck at driving, even with bribe, i won't passed my driving test. Don't be such an idiot la, people bribe because they don't want to retake only.

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