Enjoy The Oldies

Oct 28, 2009

Virus Alert in Facebook !

Since I got nothing to post.. Might as well post what happened to me few minutes ago.. My friend here, Leon kena one virus.. His virus will send messages to all his friends to click on this link " http://stylistic-sax.com/youtube.com/ ".. Then i asked " Is this a virus ? " And the virus damn pro la.. replied " No.. ;D Please click... ;D ".. Check it out below :

So guys, BEWARE !! because i've opened it and i might be spreading the virus too.. ='( sorry ya..
Going to sleep now.. Have to continue my physics spree tomorrow.. Nightssssssss

Oct 26, 2009

4th Car Lesson

Yay !! Just came back from my 4th car lesson.. Was so shocked when another instructor said that my instructor's tyre was punctured.. So, I have to change the tyre.. Luckily, I know how to change it ^^v

After that, the other instructor asked my instructor to allow me to go for QTI Test on the spot.. My QTI Test was suppose to be on this Thursday but okay la.. My driving skill memang no problem one [cheh perasan].. Went for the QTI test, was so damn easy..

The stupid examiner purposely minus 2 marks for memotong tanpa cara yang betul [i didnt even potong any car at all because its housing area] & didn't use gear yang betul [everyone will kena this one] so the mark was 18/20..

Hope that my real test get 18/20 la.. Haha.. Going to have my car test on 9th of Nov which is such a long gap.. Won't be having any lesson till 5th of Nov.. Wish I could just take the test straight away now.. Then can drive around without giving my mom such a fuss..

This post is basically about my car lesson.. Lol.. Too boring already.. *smack myself* go study !!

Okay la, thats all for today

Oct 23, 2009

Geston's Blog is Back !!

How do you guys like my new blog ?? I know its bloody but I love it.. Hehe.. SPM is just around the corner.. 24 days left but I'm not doing any revision yetttt.. Why?? Need someone to take a knife and point at me to force me to study xD..

Anyway, been really pissed off with facebook these few days.. Look at what they did to my account..Hope it won't happen again..
Thats it for my first post =) will keep posting if there is anything special..